Friday 31 August 2012

Wednesday 29 August 2012

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Wednesday 22 August 2012

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Sunday 19 August 2012

2012 what science says will happen

Award winning astrophysicist Alexia Demetria says our solar system
is entering an interstellar energy cloud that will soon bring global catastrophe.

Milky Way
   We have a very alarming update and are still working to have more details ASAP. News that even has the full attention of the National Academy of Sciences along with NASA and other world scientist are quite concerned as they are not sure just what to expect, if they do, they are not talking.  Simply said... the earth will soon start to cross through the absolute center of the dark rift of the Milky Way around 12.21.12. The rift is dark because it's littered with lots of space debris that consists of stationary rocks and boulders, even asteroids, and some objects which are planet size. This "dark rift" is the galactic gravitational plane of the Milky Way which traps all of this space debris. As the Earth passes through this plane, we may very well see a meteorite storm producing thousands of rocks that come raining out of the sky with hundreds, possibly thousands of meteorites making it all the way to the ground. We will just have to see what really happens. Keep in mind that countries around the world have long since built massive deep underground survival bunkers for 2012 and beyond. See Milky Way photo above.

   Additionally, solar scientist are concerned that this gravitational plane (that is the backbone to the Milky Way's dark rift) may send the sun on a rampage which sets off powerful x-class solar storms and CMEs. (coronal mass ejections)  It's these x-class storms that have the ability to generate an EMP event (electromagnetic pulse) like the one that hit the Earth in 1859. Once that happens again with today's technological world of electronics, the United States will go dark in about three minutes or less, along with the rest of the world.

   Food trucks will no longer be able to supply stores with food, cell phones and computers will no longer work, and without power from the grid most factories will no longer work. Within three days or so, what food that's in your local store will be gone. Since most cars and trucks today require electronic ignition to work, most likely most vehicles will not work, however non-electric trains most likely would continue to work.

   It's estimated that it will take at least six months to repair the grid. But the National Academy of Sciences estimates it will be closer to five years to repair it all. However populations in third world countries are use to growing their own food and should survive such an event much easier.

Massive Flare FROM Solar Storm



No solar storm warnings at this time.


 Go HERE for the latest realtime updates and warnings.



Humongous solar flare erupts in our direction.

7.13.2012 - The strongest solar storm of the summer so far could send a wave of charged particles toward our planet that could supercharge northern lights displays, NASA scientists say.

The solar flare peaked at 12:52 p.m. EDT (1652 GMT) as an X-class sun storm, the most powerful type of flare the sun can have.
"It erupted from Active Region 1520, which rotated into view on July 6," NASA officials said in an alert. Active Region 1520, or AR1520, is a giant sunspot currently facing Earth.

Potential Impacts: An enhancement in the energetic portion of the solar radiation spectrum may indicate increased biological risk to astronauts or passengers and crew in high latitude, high altitude flights. Additionally, energetic particles may represent an increased risk to all satellite systems susceptible to single event effects. This information should be used in conjunction with the current Solar Radiation Storm conditions when assessing overall impact.







02.15.12 - Another massive Solar Storm Slams Into Earth yet again just weeks later!  Airlines yet again are forced to reroute northern plane routes during storm.

01.22.12 - Massive Solar Storm Slams Into Earth.  Airlines forced to reroute northern plane routes during storm.

Geomagnetic K-indices

This above chart is updated every 15 minutes at 1, 16, 31, and 46 minutes past the hour.

Update: 06-05-2012. With just over 2.6 Billion sever request 'per-month' to this website now, (up 800 million in just 65 days) ...that you most likely have heard about NASA warning the public, "to get ready for a once in a life time super solar storm event". But since we first published this update back in early 2010, a lot more information has since unfolded. We have started to add some additional information here that is very troubling, that gives cause to exactly why NASA is so concerned.
   Additionally we have been inundated by email asking us about other pending issues expected in 2012-2013. IE: Meteorite storm, sudden pole shift, Nibiru (aka planet-x), extreme weather, earthquakes, volcanic activity and the oceans of the world rushing across the continuants of the world resulting from a sudden pole shift.

Planet-X found. We may have lost Pluto, but it looks like we might be getting Tyche!
Note: A massive body three to four times the size of Jupiter has been discovered beyond Pluto, within our own solar system. Like Jupiter, the ultra massive body most likely has planet size objects orbiting around it, some of which could easily be many times the size of earth and then some. Should any of the objects come within close range of earth would no doubt cause the earth to have a sudden pole shift of great magnitude. Addtionally, if such an object is targeting earth, there will be no official early announcement as to postpone a world-wide panic as long as possible. If this website should confirm such an event is about to take place, we will be among the first to break the pending planetary alert right here.  Such a sudden shift will cause the oceans of the world to wash across the continents of the world. Noah's flood found in the Christian Bible 'may' serve as historical evidence of such a flood. Food for thought.
   All we can say is that there is so much conflicting data out there, that it's hard to know what to believe. But the fact remains that within the last three years the weather world-wide has become real crazy; earth quakes with greater intensity, many of which are in areas that are not known for earthquakes, with over seven and a half thousand weather records broken in the United States just in the month of May alone! And tornados now being reported in many parts of the world where there never use to be any tornados along with geomagnetic thunderstorms world-wide now being the new normal.
    No doubt that 2011 smashed all modern world records when it comes to the most natural disasters in a single year, breaking some three thousand records just in the United States, now over seven and a half thousand records broken in just one month. That alone says something. Should this trend continue to escalate greatly 2012, mankind will have to start taking the 2012, 2013 warning signs very seriously.
(03.09.2012: Update - Weather records in the United States continue to be broken at an incredible rate in 2012. IE: Mass tornados & super storms.)
(04.05.2012: Update - Weather records in the United States continue to be broken at an incredible exclerated rate in 2012. IE: Mass tornados & super storms.)
   Though we publish a Solar Storm Survival Guide, we have delayed it's release in updating it to better cover other possible world calamities. There is no need to panic. Simply prepare yourself as best as you can, and hopefully nothing serious will happen. But in case something does, you will have a head start in being prepared. We must keep in mind that should any one or more of these events actually happen, each and everyone of us will have no choice but to fend for our own food and water as well as protection from the elements and would be predators for months, possibly for years to come. If you are way up in your years, most likely you really don't care at this point, that is, unless you have family you might be concerned about.
   In light of recent news, the following information below is paramount. On July 14, 2010 we learned that our sun is also passing through an interstellar energy cloud which excites/energizes the sun.  NASA, along with The National Academy of Sciences and other world renowned scientist have become so concerned about this up and coming solar maximum in late 2012, that way back in March 10, 2006 NASA issued a solar storm warning (in writingfor 2012.  What NASA omitted in their 2006 solar storm warning is what prompted NASA in the first place to issue a 2012 solar storm warning four years in advance?  Then in 2010, NASA again warns the general population of a pending solar storm, telling the population to get ready for a once in a lifetime solar storm. Despite that news agencies and websites like this one are beginning to cover this rapidly developing story, no high government official has yet to stick his or her neck out to make an official announcement about the catastrophic implications as to allow the global population to begin preparing. Evidence reveal that various governments world-wide have long since prepared deep underground survival shelters for 2012 and beyond to move their entire government underground in the name of Continuity of Government.
   The following scientific data revealed by Alexei Dmitriev (found below) further supports NASA's original 2012 solar storm warning issued back in March of 2006.
Below is a screen shot of the strongest solar storm to slam into the earth in years. If NASA, along with the National Academy Sciences are correct, this is one of many powerful storms that will hit the earth over the next 18 to 24 months. Once the live solar storm chart found at the very bottom of the page hits 9 all the way across is when electricity world-wide is subject to failure within 48 hours after the alert goes out. 

Solar Storm K-Index

 Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as our entire solar system, is now moving into aninterstellar energy cloud. Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University says this interstellar energy cloud is turbulent.  Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite/charge the sun, it causes the sun to become more active/violent, resulting in greater output from the sun. IE: Bigger and more frequent solar storms and CME's resulting in the Carrington effect.  This interstellar cloud of electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientist have found that it results in more earth quakes, all while dramatically effecting our weather here on earth. When asked how long will it take our sun to pass through this interstellar energy cloud, Dr. Dmitriev replied, "I don't know. But If I had to guess, I would say somewhere between two thousand to three thousand years." This interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through which our solar system is slowly moving through.

When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this for earth he replied, "Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from now, but in ones of years" that this global catastrophe is basically right around the corner setting the stage for NASA's latest solar storm warning 2012-2013.

Dr.Dmitriev is talking about the Carrington Effect which can knock out electrical power and all modern forms of communications world wide for months on end, even years. When that happens, global anarchy and mass looting will soon begin as the food chain will become paralyzed/crippled in modern countries, while water shortages will quickly become a threat to our very survival because electricity is what runs the pumps that gets the water to our homes and offices. If you are not prepared prepared to be self efficient for one to two years, then 
you and your family will be at risk of dehydration and starvation during a time when drinking water, food and toilet paper will be more valuable then money itself.

To hear the entire 122 minute report go here.  Or go to straight to video #3, and start it at the 5:28 minute mark to learn more about this interstellar energy cloud as it unfolded on the radio.


Despite that high profile scientist along with NASA and the National Academy of Science are all warning us about solar storms in 2012-2013, we ourselves have no way of knowing one way or the other if any catastrophic events will take place such as solar storms, great earthquakes, super volcanic eruptions, pole shifts, planet crossers and so forth. There by we do not imply or make any such claims of pending catastrophic events, rather we simply report on the facts as we find them.  This website gathers it's scientific data from US government websites, including independent sources such as the National Academy of Science, NOAA, NASA, CNN, BBC, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, MSN News as well as other space agencies. Please note that when we express our opinion on something, we make sure that we state that, "it's our personal opinion that..."  this way the reader knows we are not trying pass-off our personal opinion as fact.  In the event something does happen within the next few years, we have put together a Solar Storm Survival Guide which can be downloaded. This is not a scare tactic, rather everyone should be ready for any kind of national emergency regardless as to whether or not 2012 or 2013 holds any real threats.

 As you may know, on March 10th, 2006 NASA's own website issued a solar storm warning for 2012. Then in June of 2010 NASA reinforces their original 2006 warning telling the public to get ready for a once in a lifetime solar storm.  Dr Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't know how bad it's going to be."  However, "the next solar maximum should be a doozy" says Dikpati. NASA say's the sun storm will be in full swing around 2012-2013, however the National Academy of Science says, "The solar storm could start any day now."   "Who ever is right, the storm is coming!" says NASA.
But what NASA is not telling the general public, is what we should be doing to prepare only that they tell us to do so. Unlike hurricanes and snowstorms, most have no idea what they could be doing to prepare for a sunstorm.
 By now you should have begun to notice major news agencies as well as talk radio are starting to cover this slow developing story detailing exactly what NASA's warning actually means to the public.  If it turns out that NASA, along with other world scientist are is indeed right, "The Economic Damage In The United States Alone Will Be Twenty Times Greater Then Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans" says NASA. *Keep in mind that mankind is in uncharted water when it comes to knowing for absolute certainty what the long and short term effects will be, that is, should a super solar storm clash with modern civilization. 

If the earth in fact gets a direct hit by a solar storm producing x-class solar flares, (Coronal Mass Ejection or CME) can cripple the world in more ways then we can possibly imagine, as it will cause nearly every electronic device to no longer work until it gets fixed. Imagine no more working cell phones, cars, trucks, planes, ships, computers, navigation systems, TV, radio, iPods, or game machines, let alone no more advanced medical services. *Since more then likely there will be no electric power in most of the world for many months on end, there will be no modern banking system in place, no New York Stock Exchange, credit cards will be worthless and what cash, silver and gold you have will be king. Food stores will soon be looted in the name of survival, most gas stations can't pump gas for what cars and trucks that might still be working. All forms of radio communication will no longer work during this period, making it difficult if not impossible for local law enforcement to maintain law and order, and National Marshall Law = (Rex-84) will be ordered that the public will be mostly unaware of.

 Before you know it, the the city water and sewer system will stop working. If you are on an electric well pump, you lose your water right away, (unless it's a hand pump) where as those in the city might have a few days to a week or so before they lose all their water pressure. Even worse, those who don't have at least twelve to twenty four months of secured food and water, starvation will set in, which stands to kill hundreds of millions world wide if not billions; where as third world countries will not be as adversely effected. *Remember... most of the world population no longer supply their own food and water, rather people buy it. If food trucks don't run, then they cant get the food to the stores. Even if somehow cars and trucks still worked, gas stations will be without power for months and thus unable to pump gas without having to run a costly generator. No doubt what gas their is available will be top dollar, easily exceeding ten US dollars per gallon in many locations world wide.
 It will be one big nightmare if the earth takes a direct hit from a super CME, thus changing billions of lives forever. Leading countries like the US would be temporally setback well over a hundred and fifty years. But there are numerous things we can do to easily survive the coming solar storm rather then us becoming a victim. To better understand why NASA and other's are forecasting a "doozy" , "once in a lifetime solar storm" in the first place, be sure to visit, Insights From The Author for full details found below highlighted inyellow.
 We must keep in mind that it will take years to fully repair the damage electrical grid and power stations resulting from a direct hit of a perfect solar storm. This once in a life time solar storm event that NASA is warning everyone about is not to be taken lightly, especially if NASA and the National Academy of Science is indeed right.  It's not so much that the solar storm itself is the real threat where as starvation and anarchy/chaos is the bigger threat.  Yes, some say that a direct hit from a massive CME could do environmental damage as well, possibly causing the side of the earth facing the sun to climb to unthinkable temperatures, possibly causing fires. But we think that might be a bit far reaching to think that way. Nevertheless, there are a lot of unknowns here and we will just have to see what happens, and just how bad it really gets. Taking shelter in a cave near you or underground shelter could in the end be your best bet, that is, if you want to play it on the safe side.
 No one at an official level such as world leaders, are going to make any special announcement about the pending danger to earth, as to do so, would instantly cause world wide panic. People such as yourself who learn about the coming super solar storm now, are the ones that have any real chance at protecting themselves and family against this potential looming disaster that may begin to unfold at any time now. As for everyone else? For the most part the rest of the world population will be clueless and wont have any idea at first what happen when their electronic world comes crashing down around them.
  • NASA warns public to prepare for a, "once in a lifetime super solar storm event." This event can start at anytime with little to no warning.
  • NASA's Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't know how bad it's going to be." Guess what? It's now 2012 and the Earth keeps getting slammed.
  • Are you ready and know what to expect, let alone how to prepare?
  • Do you know how to make a special safe room to protect you and family from prolong electromagnetic radiation which can be deadly?
  • Do you understand that most anything electronic will no longer work? This effects computers, phones, satellites, hospitals, even the electronic ignition system for cars and trucks.
  • Do you know what steps to take to protect your car from permanently breaking down from a powerful super solar storm?
  • Did you know that a super solar storm would knock out most power world wide for months and take years to repair it all, costing trillions in damages world wide?
  • Are you prepared with at least twelve to twenty four months of previsions for food, water, medicine and heating?
  • Are you aware that a killer super solar storm would lock down modern countries like the United States, Europe, Asia, and Canada for months?
  • Are you aware of that countries like the U.S. have an Anti Hoarding Act that effects you during a national crises? ((Learn how not to have your food purchases tracked))
  • Are you ready to fend for yourself as food stores most likely will not be in operation for months because of looters, gangs and no power, and especially a lack of food supplies?
  • Well... are you???
Download the Solar Storm Survival Guide to learn how you can easily protect yourself and all of your electronics, as well as your car. It's a condensed manual that can make the difference between becoming a victim or a survivor. Simply said; the guide offers lots of things that you wish you never new about, but will be glad you did should NASA and the National Academy of Science have this right.  *Insight From The Author *

Saturday 11 August 2012


Spiritually Guided Readings AngelAngels are not etheralised human beings, evolving animal qualities in their wings; but they are celestial visitants, flying on spiritual not material pinons. Angels are pure thoughts from God, winged with Truth and Love, no matter what their individualism may be. Human conjecture confers upon angels its own forms of thought, marked with superstitious outlines, making them creatures with suggestive feathers; but this is only fancy. It has behind it no more reality than has the sculptor's thought when he carves his "Statue of Liberty", which embodies his conception of an unseen quality or condition .....Angels are God's representatives. These upward-soaring beings never lead towards self, sin or materiality, but guide to the divine principle of all good, whither every real individuality, image or likeness of God, gathers. By giving earnest heed to these spiritual guides they tarry with us, and we entertain "angels unawares." - Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health.Angel Initiations Reiki and Seichem Photo

Information on Archangels

Shekinah is the Angel of Unity and Unconditional Love. She is a female angel who always stays close to humankind, inspiring mortals to be just and fair, bringing balance and harmony to our minds and spiritual being. Her name means “bride of the Lord” and she is charged with redeeming us from evil and leading us back to God so that we may be liberated and cleansed in the eternal light. She symbolises our struggle through darkness into the light. Shekinah is the connection from Earth to Heaven.

Metatron is the Angel of Thought and Manifestation. His name literally means “the throne beside the throne of God”. He is considered one of the most important Archangels who led the children out of Israel. Metatron helps us communicate with God and brings God’s presence to us and opens up our hearts in order to better receive this guidance. Responsible for supervising the Akashic Records, a special archive where all out thoughts and deeds are recorded upon a screen of mental essence. Metatron helps us manifest our Divine spiritual qualities. Metatron is the connection from Heaven to Earth.

Metratron traditionally is the most powerful angel, the one closest to God. His counterpart Shekinah, is the feminine. The Tetragrammaton (unspeakable name of God in Hebrew represented by the letters IHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh) is a balance of masculine and feminine forces. Metatron and Shekinah are different aspects of the divine as it begins to manifest. Thus the divine is neither masculine nor feminine but a perfect balance of both.

The Traditional Seven Archangels

Michael –  The Archangel of Protection. Michael means “who is a God”.  He is also known as angel of “The Last Judgement”. Michael is the Angel of the South and serves on the First or Blue Ray. He is often described in wondrous form with armour and swords, and is known as a dragon-slayer. He defeated Satan, the fallen angel, by the order of God. Regardless of which major faith’s angelic being is being followed, Michael ranks as the highest of the host. He is the leader of the celestial armies and is the angel who fought Satan during the War and enchained the rebel leader. He is considered to be of the class of seraphim, and yet is also head of other ranks within the hierarchy: the ruler of the Archangels, leader of the virtues, and head of the principalities in his role as protector of Israel. Michael is considered to be the angel of the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses, and has also appeared in the book of Daniel, where God states him as being the highest within the angelic ranks. Although other angels have been attributed with the title of Angel of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgement day, after his battle once more with the forces of evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in the name of God, but also as a protector and the angel who kept Satan from claiming the body of Moses after the patriarch’s death. All rights can consider Michael foremost among the angels. Michael will be of assistance in situations of spiritual or psychic attack, call upon Michael for protection. All flees before the sight of Michael. His virtues include protection, strength, honour, power, God-ideas and initiative.

Gabriel – The Archangel of Guidance - Gabriel means “power” or “hero”. Gabriel rules the Moon, West, Water and the Cherubim and serves on the Fourth or White Ray. Gabriel is the governor of Eden and is often described as a female angel with a lily in her hand. The story of the Annunciation is well known. Gabriel is the angel of resurrection, mercy, revelation, and death. Gabriel is often considered as a slightly more benevolent spirit than her ally Michael. Another notable birth that Gabriel presided over was that of John the Baptist when Gabriel came to Zacharias and told him of his coming son. Within all of the legends of birthing, Gabriel has been accredited as the angel who selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends the nine months as the child is being developed informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, only to silence the child before birth by pressing his finger onto the child’s lips, thus producing the cleft below a person’s nose. Gabriel is the guide for all star babies on their way to Earth. Besides births however, Gabriel is also the angel who came before Daniel and told him of the future as well as the angel responsible for strengthening Christ prior to the Crucifixion. Finally, not being all pregnancies and wisdom, she is told as the angel who struck down the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as other places of sin throughout the Old Testament although she is never named there as such. Gabriel may help those who need to remember or reconnect to their birth and their own descent from the stars. Her virtues include harmony, purity, mercy, resurrection. revelation and artistic development.

Raphael – The Archangel of Healing - Raphael, the “shining one who heals”, is often shown holding a bottle of medicine. He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Eden,  Raphael rules the Sun, the East and Air and serves on the Fifth or Green Ray. Although a seraph, Raphael is also mentioned as being a member of the cherubim, dominions and powers. He has been attributed as the chief of virtues. Also in his role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and healing Jacob’s thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is also considered to be a patron of the sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark before the flood, and teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labour when Solomon’s Temple was being built. Call upon Raphael to assist with healing for yourself or for others. Healing takes many forms, be open to what that may be. His virtues include healing, consecration, love & devotion, scientific development and concentration.

Uriel The Archangel of Salvation - Uriel means “the fire of God” or “the face of God”. He is seen holding a fiery sword at the gate of Eden. He is the Angel of the North and serves on the Sixth or Gold Ray.  Uriel is identified as both a seraph and a cherub. Uriel is well known for his role as Regent of the Sun in the book of Revelation where he calls forth the birds of the air to feast upon the fallen. As one of the most faithful and dedicated members of the host, Uriel was also placed in charge of Tartarus (another name for Hades), warned Noah of the impending flood (although Raphael is credited with teaching the building of the ark), and attacked Moses for failing to circumcise his son. Accepted as an Archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was removed from the records, as the Church became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon angels. Ask Uriel to show you the path of slavation which is an inner journey into the darkest recesses of yourself only to find your wings which will set you free. His virtues include peace, devotional worship, ministration and psychic phenomena.

Sariel - the name means “God’s command" - also known as angel of death Sariel works alongside of Raguel. Sariel is a seraph who is given the role of deciding the fate of angels, which stray from God’s path. He is also credited as being an angel of guidance and knowledge, and one of the leaders in Heaven’s armies, his name being written upon the shields of one of the fighting forces. He is responsible for the lot of angels that violate God’s sacred ordinances. Sariel is considered the prince of presence and an angel of healing. This celestial being is associated with the skies and holds dominion over the sun sign, Aries.

Raguel – Raguil, Rasul, Rufael, Suryan, Akrasiel – “Friend of God”. One of the seven Archangels listed in the Enoch writings. He is also said to be an angel of Earth, a guardian of the second Heaven and is the one who brought Enoch to the heavens. He “takes vengeance on the world of luminaries”, which is interpreted to mean that, for the cause, he brings other angels to account. Besides this vigilance, Raguel is also mentioned as being an angel of ice and snow, calling forth other angels during the Final Judgement to deal with the unpure. Call on Raguel if you wish to know the value of friendship or if you wish to improve old ones or simply make new ones. Friendships are binding so choose them wisely.

Jarahmeel - Remial or Jarahmeel - The Angel of Vision - “mercy of God or whom God sets up”. Leads souls to judgement. Also angel of true visions. Jarahmeel is accredited with two tasks. First, he is the angel responsible for true divine visions, and is said to be the angel to give such a vision to Baruch before destroying Baruch’s enemies, the armies of Sennacherib. Beyond that, he is also the guide for the souls of the faithful, leading them into Heaven after Michael weighs them at the last trumpet. If you are stuck at a stage in life call on Jarahmeel to help you visualise in dreams or in meditations what you may need - be open and ready to receive your Vision.

There are several others that are identified in differing beliefs as Archangels.

Jophiel – “Beauty of God”. Jophiel serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom. One of the cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with being the angel to drive Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they ate the forbidden fruit. If this is the case, Jophiel receives also the honour of being the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. In such a role, he is last left guarding the Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent the return of man. Jophiel is the Angel of enlightenment. This angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment, open mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within. Ask Jophiel to help you find your being of beauty which is your angel self. In beauty is vulnerability and sacredness. Reclaim your angel self. Jophiel's virtues are illumination, wisdom & perception, creative power, awareness, freedom of thought & beauty.

Chamuel - "He who seeks God". Chamuel is the Angel of Charity and serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love. Chamuel is a powerful leader in the angelic hierarchy known as the 'Powers', who protect the world from fearful and lower energies.  If you are fearful about the world events, call upon Chamuel for comfort, protection and intervention.  Chamuel's virtues are love, adoration, compassion, creativity and gratitude.

Raziel – The Angel of Knowledge - “Secret of God”. One of the cherubim, Raziel is the giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge. He is knowledgeable in several mystical arts and can explain the truth behind many occult truths in the universe. One of the most interesting things Raziel can give you is an understanding of the energy currents in the magical universe and how to manipulate them to various ends. It is he who led to the writing of the book of Enoch and was the author of the book from which Noah learns to build the ark. This is not to be confused with Raphael, who is the angel to give Raziel’s book to Noah, but did not write it himself. What is it about yourself that you wish to know? Ask Raziel for guidance and prepare for your answer.

Zadkiel - “Angel of Mercy, Righteousness, Solace & Gentleness”. Belonging to the ranks of the dominions and considered by some to be chief, Zadkiel is considered an Angel of Mercy and serves on the Seventh or Violet Ray. It is he who holds back the hand of Abraham to prevent the patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is one of two standard bearers (along with Jophiel) who follow directly behind Michael as the head Archangel enters battle. Ask Zadkiel to show you what mercy is and how to use this precious gift. His virtues include freedom, guidance, culture, refinement, diplomacy, invocation, transformation, righteousness and spiritual development.

Specific Aspects of the Archangels

Michael – strength, honour, protection
Gabriel – harmony, purity, resurrection, mercy, revelation
Raphael – one who heals, love and devotion
Uriel – the fire of God, peace, psychic phenomena
Sariel – angel of knowledge, healing and faithfulness
Raguel – angel of earth, a guardian, friendship
Jarahmeel – guidance, angel of true visions
Jophiel – awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness, freedom of thought and beauty
Chamuel - love, charity, adoration, compassion, gratitude
Raziel – giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge
Zadkiel – angel of mercy and righteousness, freedom, guidance

Wednesday 8 August 2012



Archangel Raphael: meaning 'Healer of God' He offers healing, advice and instructions, when you are in need
To call upon Raphael for assistance using this innovacation..
Archangel Raphael filled with mercy
Please haer my call
Vanquisher of demons
Protector of travelers
Endowed with healer's grace
Help all who implore your assistance
PLease help me with (fill in what you need help with)

Tuesday 7 August 2012

How to Call Michael The Arch Angel

How to Call Michael The Arch Angel

Please subscribe
Sorry for the drowsy eyes was made at 1:45am

Monday 6 August 2012

Pitbull international love

Pitbull international love

Lol Please like if you like this Hahaha love you all and i would appreciate all ideas 

Sunday 5 August 2012

What is true love really


Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No.
Girl: If I left would you cry?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No.
Girl: Which would you pick, me or your life?
Boy: My life.
Hearing this, the girl turns and starts running away with tears. The boy chases after her and stops her.
You don?t cross my mind because you are always on my mind.
I don?t like you because I love you.
I don?t want you because I need you.
If you left I would die, not cry.
I wouldn't live for you because I would die for you.
I wouldn't do anything for you because I would do everything for you.
But I would still pick my life because you are my life.
*Put this on your profile if you agree*

Saturday 4 August 2012

This post takes kesha to a whole new level

Well What The Title Said

Well this 3:42 min video took me 6 hours to make it was worth it so enjoy it and please like it

Saturday 28 July 2012

Friday 27 July 2012

Where do ware wolfs come from Fact or myth?

Origin of the Werewolf Legend

During middle ages, especially from 15th to 17th century, Europe was under the dark shadow of ignorance and superstitions. Towns were underdeveloped and people lived near woods. The fear of wolves was like a nightmare. Their attacks were so frequent and atrocious in nature that people even feared to travel from one place to another. Every morning, countryside people would find half-eaten human limbs scattered on their fields.
The first recorded Werewolf sighting took place around the countryside of German town Colongne and Bedburg in 1591. An age-old pamphlet describes those shivering moments vividly. Few people cornered a large wolf and set their dogs upon it. They started to pierce it with sharp sticks and spears. Surprisingly the ferocious wolf did not run away or tried to protect itself, rather it stood up and turned out to be a middle-aged man he was Peter Stubbe from the same village.
Stubbe was put on a torture wheel where he confessed sixteen murders including two pregnant women and thirteen children. The history behind his downfall was rather bizarre. He had started to practice sorcery when he was only 12 and was so obsessed with it that even  tried to make a pact with the Devil. Wearing a magic girdle he started to attack his enemies, real or imaginary. After several months, he would take the guise of a wolf and continued with his evil acts with more brutality. In the wolf form he used to tear up victims’ throats and suck warm blood from veins. Gradually his thirst for blood grew and he roamed around fields in search of prey.

The savagery of his crimes was beyond imagination. The trial record motioned few of them. Once two men and a woman were walking along a road that went through the forest Stubbe used to hide in. He called one of them into the forest. When the man did not return for a long time the second one followed his trail and also disappeared into the forest. When both the man didn't return for a long time the woman ran for her life. Later, two mangled male corpses were recovered from the forest, but the woman’s body never reappeared. It was believed that Stubbe had devoured it all. Young girls playing together or milking the cows in the fields were his frequent victims. He used to chase them like a hound, catch the slowest one, rape and kill her. Then he would drink hot blood and eat tender flesh from her body. However; the most gruesome sin he committed was upon his own son. He took him to a nearby forest, cracked the poor child’s skull open and ate brain from it.
No punishment could match the magnitude of Stubbe’s crime. His flesh was pulled off with red-hot pincer, his arms and legs were broken and he was finally decapitated. His carcass was burned to ashes.
The Magistrate of Bedburg built a grim monument remembering the ghastly incident. Workmen put the torture wheel atop a tall pole with Stubbe’s head above it structured with the likeliness of a wolf. Sixteen pieces of yard long wood cuts were hung from the rim of the wheel commemorating poor souls of the victims. The words of Stubbe’s trial and execution spread across the lands in no time. His brutality,  atrocity and savagery were beyond human comprehension and was readily related with the behavior of a wolf. People started to believe that such individuals with the shadow of wolves were living among them. They named themWerewolves.

Thursday 26 July 2012

The Order of The Angels

    Angels are divided into definite ranks, each with seperate duties and honors. However, as with all aspects of angeology, what these exact ranks are depends largely on the scholar asked. Still, one of the most common listings of hierarchy used is the Pseduo-Dionysis. The listing comprises nine distinct orders of angels within three major headings known as Choirs. Despite the many listings available, most contain the same ranks and differ only in the order presented. 

    First Hierarchy (Choir)
    Clustered around the central core of purity.


    The uppermost section of the hierarchy, these are the angels closest to the throne of God. It is they who unceasingly chant the Trisagion, "Holy, holy, holy..." and encircle the throne, existing off the love emanated by God. It is this fiery love which gives them the term 'fiery serpents'. In this form of fiery serpents, it is said that the light they give off is so intense, that not even other divine beings may look upon them. There is said to be four of these angelic beings. They are listed as the four holy beasts in the book of Revelation and are also described as angels with four faces and six wings. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.The only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. 

    CHERUBIM (Cherub, singular for Cherubim):

    Second to only the seraphim, the Cherubim hold the knowledge of God. It is also they who are often sent to earth with the greatest of tasks; the expulsion of Man from the Garden of Eden and the Annunciation of Christ were both performed by Cherubim. Spirits of the Harmonies. The guardians of the fixed stars, keepers of celestial records, bestowers of knowledge. Chief rulers are Ophaniel, Rikbiel, Zophiel, and, before his fall, Satan.

    In the Cabala, Cherub is one of the angels of the air. In name as well as in concept, the Cherubim are Assyrian or Akkadian in origin. The work, in Akkadian, is karibu and means "one who prays" or "one who intercedes", although Dionysius declared the word to mean knowledge. In ancient Assyrian art, the Cherubim were pictured as huge, winged creatures with leonine or human faces, bodies of bulls or sphinxes, eagles, etc. They were usually placed at entrances to palaces or temples as guardian spirits. In early Canaanitish lore, the Cherubim were not conceived of as angels. [Cf. view of Theodorus, Bishop of Heracleaa, who declared, "these Cherubims not to be any Angelical powers, but rather some horrible visions of Beasts, which might terrify Adam from the entrance of paradise", from Salkeld, "A treatise of Angels". It was only later that the Cherubim began to be regarded as heavenly spirits. To Philo ("On the Cherubim") they symbolized God's highest and chiefest potencies, sovereignty, and goodness. They are the 1st angels to be mentioned (and to be construed as angels) in the Old Testament (Genesis 3:22). They guarded with flaming sword the Tree of Life and Eden, hence their designation as the "flame of whirling swords." In Exodus 25:18 we find 2 Cherubim "of gold," one on either side of the Ark (see picturization in Schaff, "A Dictionary of the Bible"). [Cf. "cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat" in Hebrews 9"5.] In Ezekiel (10:14) 4 Cherubim, each with 4 faces and 4 wings, appear at the river Chebar where the Hebrew prophet glimpses them. In I Kings 6:23, the 2 Cherubim in Solomon's temple are carved out of olive wood. In Rabbinic and occult lore, the Cherubim are prevailingly thought of as charioteers of God, bearer of His throne, and personifications of the winds. In Revelations (4:8) they are living creatures who render undeasing praise to their Maker. Here St. John refers to them as beasts (holy, divine beasts), 6-winged and "full of eyes within." John of Damascus in his "Exposition of the Orthodox Faith" also speaks of the Cherubim as "many-eyed". In Talmud the Cherubim are equated with the order Ophanim (wheels or chariots) or the order Hayyoth (holy beasts) and are said to reside in the 6th or 7th Heaven. In the Dionysian scheme, the Cherubim rank 2nd in the 9-choir hierarchy and ar guardians of the fiexed stars. Chief rulers, as listed in most occult works, include Ophaniel, Rikbiel, Cherubiel, Raphael, Gabriel, Sophiel, and--before his fall--Satan, who was, as Parente says in "The Angels", "the supreme angel in the choir of Cherubim." In the early traditions of Muslim lore it is claimed that the Cherubim were formed from the tears Michael shed over the sins of the faithful. [Rf. Hastings, "Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics" IV, 616, "Demons and Spirits (Muslim)."] In secular lore the Cherubim have been called "black cherubim" (Dante), "young-eyed cherubim" (Shakespeare), "helmed cherubim" (Milton). Blake describes Satan as the "covering cherub" and turns the Ezekiel vision of the 4 creatures into his own "Four Zoas". The latter sound the 4 trumpets heralding the apocalypse. As angels of light, glory, and keepers of the celestial records, the Cherubim excel in knowledge. [Rf. Lindsay, "Kerubim in Semitic Religion and Art."] The notion of winged, multiple-headed beasts serving as guardians of temples and palaces must have been general in many near-Eastern countries, for in addition to appearing in Assyryan-Chaldean-Babylonian art and writings (where the authors of Isaiah and Ezekiel doubtlessly first came upon them), they appear, as already noted, in Canaanitish lore (with which the Israelites were, of course, familiar, and which influenced or colored the accounts in Genesis and other Old Testament books). An ivory from the collection of king of Megiddo, circa 1200 B.C.E., reproduced on p. 45 of the "Westminster Historical Atlas to the Bible", showes a Canaanite ruler seated on a throne, "supported by winged lions with human heads." These, say the editors of the "Atlas", "are the imaginary, composite beings which the Israelites called cherubim." As winged beasts with human heads, 2 Cherubim are shown supporting the throne of Hiram, kind of anceint Byblos (see reproduction, p 132, vol. A-D of "interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible"). Among works of more modern times, Rubens' "Apotheosis of James I" (hanging in the banqueting hall of Whitehall in London and filling the long side panels) shows a precession of Cherubs.)

    Contrary to paintings on greeting cards and new age book covers, the cherubim are not depicted as fat, winged babies. Instead they are described as sphinx like creatures in Assyrian lore, or the angels gracing the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon's temple in biblical terms. The Old Testament does not reveal any evidence that the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. They were closely linked in God's glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God's glory. They symbolized then, God's power and mobility. In the New Testament, they are alluded to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse (Rv 4-6). Catholic tradition describes them as angels who have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him. 


    Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God. Also known as the Ophanim, these angels serve the primary function of being God's chariot. But besides this, they are also noted as being the dispensers of God's judgment; acting with impartialness and humility to bring about the desires of the Lord. Having the most bizarre physical appearance of the celestial host, they are described a great wheels, covered with a great many eyes and glowing with light. One explanation given for this (besides them acting as God's chariot), is that they mark the end of the first Choir, where the emanations of God begin to take on more material forms and as such exist in a state of transition.

    Spirits of Will. Bring God's justice to us. They are sometimes called wheels and in the Jewish Kabbalah, CHARIOTS or the MERKABAH. The occult book, the Zohar, ranks wheels above seraphim, but other sources place them as cherubim, the whole thing being confused. The ruling prince is Oriphiel or Zabkiel or Zaphiel.

    Second Hierarchy (Choir)
    An ultimate unification with "God the Source". All Orders within this Triad strive to balance or reconcile such opposites as good and bad, matter and spirit and higher and lower, thus risking corruption in doing so.


    Act as a sort of middle management between the upper choir and the lower, holding the task of regulating the duties of lower angels. They receive their orders from the seraphim and cherubim and are responsible for ensuring that the cosmos remains in order. It is only with extreme rarity that the dominations make themselves physically known to mortals, instead quietly concerning themselves with the details of existence. Spirits of Wisdom, through them is manifested the Majesty of God. They hold an orb or sceptre as an emblem of authority, and in Hebraic lore, the chief of this order is named Hashmal or Zadkiel.


    Given to two main tasks, the virtues not only are concerned with maintaining the aspects of the natural world, but also with bestowing blessings upon the material world as well. In their first task, they preside over the movements of the celestial bodies as well as events of weather including rain, snow, wind and the like. In the second, it is they who take the orders given to them and in turn convert them into miracles for God's favored. Variant names for them include the Malakim and the Tarshishim. Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor. 


    Spirits of Form. Holding one of the most dangerous tasks, the powers are responsible for maintaining the border between Heaven and Earth. Acting as a sort of elite guard, they constantly watch for demonic attack, and are the major line of defense and battle during heavenly warfare. They are also tasked with guarding the celestial byways between the two realms and ensuring that souls which leave the mortal world reach heaven safely. Perhaps not surpassingly, given their proximity to the nether regions, there are more angels from the ranks of the powers listed as fallen than from any other member of the hierarchy. They stop the efforts of demons to overthrow the world, or else they preside over demons, or perhaps (according to St. Paul) they are themselves evil. Ertosi, Sammael, or Camael (depending on source) is chief of the Powers.

    Third Hierarchy (Choir)
    Most exposed and vulnerable to any corrosion of flesh. Angels from these Orders are most well known to us simply because they are most like us.


    The head of the final choir, the principalities watch over the mortal world directly, guiding and protecting the earth's nations, cities and towns. Also, they are given to the protection of religion and of politics. As such, they are assumed to be given more freedom to act than the lesser angels below them and are responsible for carrying out divine acts concerning their area of jurisdiction. Finally, they are given to the task of managing the duties of the angels. Spirits of Personality or Time. Protectors of religion. Nisroc, in Milton, is "of principalities the prime," and others, according to various sources, are named Requel, Anael, and Cerviel.

    In the New Testament Principalities refers to one type of spiritual (metaphysical) being which are now quite hostile to God and human beings. (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:10, 15) Along with the principalities are the powers (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 1 Pt 3:22; 2 Thes 1:7); and cosmological powers (1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; Col 2:15);Dominions (Eph 1:21; Col 1:16) and thrones (Col1:16). The clarity of the New Testament witness helps see that these beings were created through Christ and for Him (Col 1:16). Given their hostility to God and humans due to sin, Christ's ultimate rule over them (ibid) expresses the reign of the Lord over all in the cosmos. This is the Lordship of Christ, which reveals God's tremendous salvation in conquering sin and death at the cross, and now takes place in the Church. (Eph 3:10) 

    Guardians of people and all physical things.


    - Fire Spirits. Angels above the order of Angels. It also serves to designate a specific rank of angels in the angelic heirarchy. The term Archangels refers to the greater angels such as Michael and Gabriel, known also as chief princes. The order can also refer to the angels who stand at the throne of God, thus being the higher angel ranking.

    While also listed as a way of defining an especially important angel, the term archangel is used here as the second to last rank in the celestial hierarchy. The confusion comes mainly from the ancient Hebraic way of defining angels which was simple angel and archangel. It was not until later that the hierarchy was defined, and many of the angels previous named as simply archangels were given new posts. Despite this, as a class the archangels are tasked with not only watching the duties of the angels, but also acting as the leaders in the divine army during battle.

    Archangels are generally taken to mean "chief or leading angel" ( Jude 9; 1 Thes 4:16), they are the most frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. The Archangels have a unique role as God's messenger to the people at critical times in history and salvation (Tb 12:6, 15; Jn 5:4; Rv 12:7-9) as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and the guardian angels particularly. Of special significance is St. Michael as he has been invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite and many others place him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. He is described as the "chief of princes" and as the leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over Satan and his followers. The angel Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks (Dn 9:21-27). He appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist (Lk 1:11). It was also Gabriel which proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour. (Lk 1:26) The angel Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit (Tobias)Tb 3:25, 5:5-28, 6-12). He announces "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God." (Tb 12:15) 


    - Sons of life or of twilight. A rank which intermediates between God and Man. Angels are closest to earth and earthly matters, whereas the archangels have more to do with the heavenly realm. Both orders are very similar and they often cross in their duties with each other.

    The least (if one could say that about any angelic being) in the hierarchy, angels are given to two major tasks. First, they are responsible for watching over the affairs of mortals in a more direct manner than the principalities. Instead of watching entire nations, angels watch over households and individual souls, guiding them subtlety and keeping them safe from demonic attack. Also, they are the carriers of God's word to mankind, acting as messengers and couriers to both God and the upper ranks of angelkind as well. In Hebrew, they are called mal'akh, meaning "messenger", in Persian the word is angaros or "courier".